Prestige marins et viandes - Livraison de fruits de mer,viandes, fruits et légumes.
Vacuum-packed frozen foods
Home delivery and restaurant


Discover our delicious frozen seafood. Freshness and flavors directly to your home!

Welcome to our frozen seafood delivery service, where quality and freshness are at the heart of our commitment. We offer you an exceptional selection of seafood products, carefully frozen to preserve all their flavor and nutritional benefits.


Home delivery and restaurant

Caviar. Octopus. Red Snapper. Cod. Langoustine. Scallops. Crab. Lobster. Shrimp. Lobster tails. Shelled lobster in bags
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Caviar on cheese

Delivery of seafoods


Caviar is a luxury food made from fish eggs, primarily those of the beluga, osetra, or sturgeon.

Caviar is generally consumed simply to fully appreciate its unique flavours. Avoid cooking it or mixing it into complex dishes to preserve its delicate qualities.

Here is some key information about it:

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Octopus delivery

Delivery of seafoods


The octopus we eat mainly comes from certain species adapted for human consumption. The most commonly consumed species are Octopus vulgaris (common octopus) and Octopus minor. Other species, like the blue-ringed octopus, are often avoided due to their toxicity.

Before cooking, the octopus must be properly prepared. This often includes cleaning, gutting, and sometimes freezing to tenderize the meat.

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Whole Red snapper

Delivery of seafoods

Red Snapper

Red Snapper is a popular sea fish in tropical and subtropical cuisines. This fish has a reddish to pinkish colour with silver highlights and firm white flesh. It has an elongated shape with a large mouth and sharp teeth.

Red snapper flesh is prized for its firm texture and delicate flavour. It can be grilled, baked, poached, or sautéed. In ceviche, grilled fillets with herbs, or in sauced dishes.

Due to its delicate flavour and texture, Campeche red snapper is a popular choice in the cuisine of the Caribbean region and beyond.

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Cod with potatoes

Delivery of seafoods


Cod is a popular sea fish, prized for its firm, white flesh. Cod has an elongated body with smooth, often grayish to greenish skin and a pronounced lateral line. It also has three distinct dorsal fins and a barbel on the chin.

Cod can be cooked in a variety of ways: grilled, pan-fried, filleted, or cut into pieces. It is also used in dishes such as cod brandade, fish and chips, or fish soups.

Cod is a versatile and nutritious fish, widely appreciated for its delicate flesh and low fat content.

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Scampi delivery

Delivery of seafoods


Langoustines are marine crustaceans belonging to the family Nephropidae. 

They are also known as "scampi" in Italy.

Langoustines are also low in fat and carbohydrates, making them a nutritious choice for low-calorie or low-fat diets. They provide a good source of protein and important minerals.

Here are some key facts:

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Scallops delivery montreal

Delivery of seafoods


Scallops are bivalve mollusks in the family **Pectinidae**, known for their delicate and flavourful flesh. 
Here are some key facts about scallops:

Scallops have round, generally flat shells with radial ribs. The shell often varies in colour, from white to tan, pink, and red. The flesh, called adductor muscle, is usually white or tan.

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Plate of crab

Delivery of seafoods


Edible crab is a delicacy enjoyed in many cuisines around the world. 

Here are some key facts about it:

Commonly eaten species include king crab, Dungeness crab, blue crab, and stone crab.

Eating crab can seem a little tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's a real treat. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you out:

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Lobster plate

Delivery of seafoods


- Fresh lobster in season
- Lobster tails
- Shelled lobster in bags

Lobster is a marine crustacean prized for its delicate flesh and refined taste. 

Lobster is widely enjoyed for its mild and flavourful flesh, often eaten grilled, boiled, steamed, or even served cold in salads or sandwiches. It is often accompanied by melted butter or other sauces to enhance its natural flavour.

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Shrimp with lemon

Delivery of seafoods


Shrimp belong to the order Decapoda, like crabs and lobsters. They are generally classified in the family Palaemonidae or Penaeidae.

There are several species of shrimp, including tiger shrimp, pink shrimp, and white shrimp. Each has distinct characteristics in terms of size, colour, and flavour.

In cooking, shrimp are versatile. They can be grilled, boiled, sautéed, or used in dishes like shrimp cocktails, curries, and salads.

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Other Seafood Products Are Also Available

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Montreal / North Shore

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